I think I heard this joke before...
Turns you on like an electric switch?
Step 1: play in traffic
As soon as the drugs start to kick in.
What a cuck.
How do you say "I'm worried about this" in Klingon?
...but he did nothing wrong?
Aww geez Rick...
No reason the Major couldn't use a male prosthetic body...
This poem makes no sense. NO INDOOR VOICE!
That's one way to make it fall down...
Obama Azathoth in 2020!
Chris Ray Gun, is that you?
The Dude and his poncho abides.
Something something arrow in the knee.
Do they have IHOPs in Heaven?
Is their founder named Dale Gribble?
So Facebook will still be around until 2047?
"Thanks, Obama!"
Wasn't this a Rick Astley song?
Is he suing the Romans for crucification?
Hey Jesus! That gum you like is going to come back in style!
Are you applying to be a porn star?
You get a karate chop! And you get a karate chop! And YOU get a karate chop! Everybody gets karate chops!
This just in: Indiana Unemployment Rate Now 100%
Where's the manual for this thing!?
Can you make veggies taste like desserts? That'd be nice.
How many Republicans can dance on the head of a pin?
Don't read them. Seriously, don't.
Also, Mario was originally from Brooklyn, supposedly, so he's totally qualified to run for POTUS.
His healthcare plan: 1-Up Mushrooms for everyone!
These Toy Story sequels sure got dark...
Being a parent is like being a 24/7 beta tester.
I'm pretty sure 100% of actors were born.
Did the shooter happen to be named Frank Castle?
Plumpo in the sky with diamonds!
Who was I again?
Must be into erotic asphyxiation.
Benjamin Grimm?
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I think I heard this joke before...