This is going viral and nobody can explain. So this is the headline version of lesbian occulus rift?
Just ask NASA.
Landmines, Guns, Battleships, Turrets.
I don't.
This is normal after they stepped into the porn biz.
His coconut gun can fire in spurts.
Plot Twist: It's a mother teaching her son.
So it's stepping into the porn biz. Like Nintendo.
Pathetic. They only killed 35 Wii Us. I would expect more from the company that made them.
Don't mind if I do!
What a coincidence. The picture I saw for this is of Trump.
Uh, I'm a stupid liberal and I can read this.
That's... well... specific.
I fucking knew that.
I'm sorry...
...But bees are delicious...
Because everybody poops.
10 ways to eat people.
13. Your name is Thepenguinking2.
Consider the Spider's mating behavior... Bieber's dead.
You throw out the goddamn kid and buy a gameboy on Amazon.
Nintendo hates him!
"Oxygen = good, no oxygen = bad, lose oxygen = die"
In that case, stay away from Occulus Rift.
...Eh. Down you go, sir! *FLING*
Thank goodness. I've been forced to make these crappy ones for a long time.
I don't believe them.
What is a god to a non-believer?
So do I, Headline Smasher. So do I...
Something has finally topped the dragon fucking.
In other news: Ice is cold.
Probably because you fucked it.
I could imagine Heavy from TF2 saying this.
Don't go near animals that eat you. Simple as that.
So here's 21 ways to eat them.
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