>Level 20
Where a kid can be a kid, and lose their innocence.
Wait, this headline is a smashed one? Seems real to me.
Cast Necromancy on...Osama?!
is this Xenoblade Chronicles x
s u c c
The hills are alive with the sound of Tumblr.
Flawless victory. FATALITY!
This headline sounds like it was written by a Ma-non. 10/10 would squeaky voice again
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
looK AT IT
See? This is what happens when you share your opinion on the internet.
It's probably a table?
Did they space or did they heaven?
So that's why I saw him on the news yesterday!
>Xbox live Arcade
>tfw you change your username due to this smash
Furniture of law enforcement.
nice meme
Kylo Ren plz
In other news: Water is Wet.
Still too big for Sm4sh tho.
They must understand the feel when no gf
Then tell him to bark orders at the boss. *shot*
I call bull.
Well, Taco Bell food is inedible be default, so...
Wait, how did it lose their hearing?
>Gorilla Suit
Something something My Immortal something. *Vomits*
This is fake: EA is just doing it for money.
>Perfect Republican description of Obama
(Obligatory MUGEN joke)
No one knows you're a dog in the internet...
Oh, the irony.
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>Level 20