Hey, don’t gotta call me out like that.
Ah, so THAT is why everything at the top keeps freezing!
Lesson 1: Not all pools are for swimming.
Ah yes, the Friends-Monk crossover episode.
Taste the rainbow!
Expand Don
This one is exquisite.
Jump on your boss’s head!
That Gwyneth Paltrow candle. You know the one.
And He saw that it was good.
At last!
Oh hey! Fireworks!
Oh dear, I did not read that as “election” at first!
Was... Was I not supposed to?
No thanks, already have one. I’m good.
He likes to be tall.
Finally, an article about me.
...Walk into a bar.
Now that’s a party!
Me at my cat when he starts yelling at 4 AM.
But that’s im-pasta-ble!
Low in calories too!
It sure does!
You really can’t.
No, they’re over 2,000.
This can’t be good...
To be fair, they are soft and fluffy...
Not doing it!
Puppies, obviously.
That friggin’ glare...
The day they built real bears...
Well, the Master is stylish...
This happened one Halloween when I was in high school.
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Hey, don’t gotta call me out like that.