So I'm torn between making a Phoenix Wright reference, or making a RWBY reference. Which one should I do?
NOTE ON THIS HEADLINE: The way it was saved ruined the original meaning, as there were originally quotation marks around "Sex and the Beast".
I don't blame them. I mean, just look at it. It is one of the most high quality signatures I have ever seen.
Nokia: Our phones may be completely outdated in this day and age, but we will be back with drugs. UNBREAKABLE DRUGS!
R.I.P. Conan the Barbarian. ????-2017 "I just wanted a world where barbarians could be equal."
It's a war between various incarnations of the Death Star. Theres the Episode IV Death Star, the Episode VI Death Star, the Episode VII "Not Death Star", and the Episode I-III in progress Death Star. Place your bets ladies and gentlemen.
While it is true that he survived, he was in a coma for 3 weeks. During this time the person who called him that name was arrested for criticism, with his final words before taken into custody being "He deserves every bit of criticism being thrown his way." Afterwards the man being criticized sued the name caller for slander. The plaintiff won, and the rest is history. That my friends, is how political correctness became a thing.
"Hey dad, I have one last wish before I die."
"What is it son?"
"Bring the entirety of the MLG crew here."
"So that I can get rekt one final time."
"Why would you want to do that?"
"For honor, dad. For honor..."
"My god do I hate my birthday. Every year I am reminded that I am one year closer to my death and I keep getting crap that I don't want. Not to mention, I keep getting calls from my former boss at the CIA wishing me a happy birthday. Seriously, just SHUT UP!"
This is my all time favorite meme.
Is love Is love Is love Is love Is love Is love Is love Is love Is love Is love Is love Is love Is love Is love Is love Is love Is love Is love Is love Is love Is love Is love Is love Is love Is love Is love Is love Is love Is love Is love Is love Is love Is love Is love Is love Is love.
It starts, then it gets taken down a few months later. It eventually reopens, and goes strong for several months, until it randomly decides to end itself for no reason. However, that only lasts for a couple weeks, then its back to normal and still normal as of right now.