It rhymes. Hell in Pastel.
Including hilarious bloopers about (insert something not hilarious here).
Isn't that Willie Nelson's thing?
And then what? Construct additional pylons?
Easily distracted.
There are stranger things on the Internet than him being someone's hazubando.
Again, the category is "Before and After."
Cincinnati police might've had enough of Hamilton stealing so many bases.
Judges don't yet have the power to limit how happy you can be.
What's interesting is the source headlines.
Dog Bites.
Still picturing Bill. Him and his french fries.
If the New Jersey Generals were the OTHER kind of football team---
That wouldn't be a pretty sight.
Maybe not; they're 1-1.
I don't think I've seen the same pair of words three times in any of these.
I got one a bit like that.
From Kardashians to not-Kardashians, then back to Kardashians.
It rhymes.
Little non-sequitur.
Maybe when he's in his late thirties and washed up.
When generated, the last word was "Wwii." Wee-wee.
Reporting a couple of decades early, are we?
I laughed.
"Before and After" is the category.
For those wondering, that city is on the opposite side of Slovenia from the one that borders the Adriatic.
Worst Thanksgiving ever.
Here we go agaaaaain!
I actually laughed at this one.
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It rhymes. Hell in Pastel.