8 votes


As for the question of one of the source articles, a hate crime is only a hate crime if it happens to non-whites. The plan is genocide of Whites, so any Whites defending themselves from the actions of non-whites or attempting to preserve their own life is a hate crime.


You can tell somebody thinks about genocide of non-white people when genocide of whites is on their mind. Usually people don't think about genocide very often.


Everyone should. Genocide of Whites is no better than genocide of non-whites. Whites are the only ones for which genocide is fair game. Not promoting White genocide is seen as a hate crime. We should call out all attempts of genocide when they occur, since ALL law-abiding lives matter.


Watching an alt-righter try to tack somewhere to the center politically is pretty pathetic. Just recite the Fourteen Words and be done with it, you're not fooling anybody.